Monday, October 25, 2010

Feminist Film REJECT: Tank Girl

I do not consider this a feminist film. I do not care how many lists it appears on calling it one. I do not care that it is a cult classic. I do not care how many people think Tank Girl is a badass. On top of simply being a bad movie, Tank Girl does not have a single positive male character in the movie, making it decidedly misandrist and therefore anti-feminist.

The majority of men in this movie think entirely about sex, which is a ludicrous stereotype that men constantly have to face in the media. On top of this nonsense, even the characters that are supposed to be good are willing to assault women in order to get their jollies. Not cool, Tank Girl. Not cool.

There are also very few people of color in the film. In fact, the only two are the Rippers, who are mutant kangaroos. One of the rippers, played by Ice-T, represents a stereotype of black men as angry and prone to violence. The other, the leader of the rippers, is the opposite and instead represents other black stereotypes such as The Magical Negro.

Basically, while this movie might have some badass females, it makes everyone else look bad. And personally, I'm opposed to all sexism and racism. So, screw you, Tank Girl.

Also, after wiki-ing stuff, I must say that the comic looks infinitely better, and that I intend to read it as soon as I can get my hands on it.

The Worst Part:

Tank Girl: You gotta think about it like the first time you got laid. You gotta go: "Daddy, are you sure this is right?"

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